Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Groom and da Room

Today was an exciting day for me.  I spent a large portion of the day grooming Bree, my puppy I intend to show this spring and summer.  She had her first class tonight.  I had a really great time with her, practicing different ways to show for the judge and stacking her.  We both have a long way to go, but since it is an AKC judge teaching us, it is really going to be easier to how UKC.  UKC is supposedly more laid back and fun to do.  Bree is 4 months old...I am hoping to show her once she turns 6 months.

Then I spent the rest of the day, prior to the class at 7 pm, priming the guest room and painting the ceiling.  It looks a ton better.

While I painted I listened to last night's edition of Free Talk Live, a "liberty minded" internet radio/ podcast Nate and I listen to on occasion.  It was one of those sort of podcasts that freak me out...when they talk about how governments are going bankrupt and they predict a world wide crash in the economy.  They try not to get in to conspiracy theories, so they make me somewhat alarmed when they say things like that....especially because we were planning on moving soon!  Maybe we SHOULD buy gold if the dollar is going to become worthless.  Apparently there is an issue with Illinois nearing bankruptcy and they are also saying that Spain, Greece, etc are also having issues with their economies.  They claim many worldwide economies depend on the dollar, so our hyper inflation effects them as well.

Well I am pretty exhausted from my day so I am calling it quits for tonight.  I may go make some cookies (unless I fall asleep now....).


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