Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"I've got the black lung Pop"

Well,  despite my drywall goals today I stole some time to paint our front entryway a green color...I figured I deserved doing something rewarding after the horror of working for like 6 hours yesterday above my head.  I mean, I have these flabby arms that do not enjoy being lifted above my head for hours at a time while on a ladder.  I am pleased with the outcome.
Now all we need is for Nate to frame in the door to the half bath...and BUILD the half bath of course.  Some things are way beyond my limit of capabilites, and crawling around our crawl space trying to weld joints is included in that.  I can just imagine the abject horror I would have if I saw a spider **shudder**.
The half bath will be located beyond where the green ends. 

View to the now painted front entryway with the pin lights that will shine upon an yet undetermined art piece.

Then it was back to the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.  Finishing ceiling drywall.  Today I worked on SANDING the joints I taped etc yesterday.  Pretty much hell on earth. 

Cough cough....cough cough.  

 Note the horrible drywall junk that filtered down upon the floor.  Half or more of that is ON me.  And not in the good way. (I wanna BE on you).

"I think I've got the black lung pop." There is all kinds of junk on me and dust. 

Here is a picture but not that interesting since it looks the same as yesterday and will until it is painted.

In other news, I worked on finding a cabin to rent in Gatlinburg on our mini-vacation that will allow dogs and has a great view.  I think I found one so I am hoping for a sexy/romantic holiday with my hubbadub.  We will see if it is to be or not, but I am pretty excited....because....


There is not that I love more than a hot tub and a brewsky.  Seriously.  Well maybe a beach but with the oil in the Gulf I am not likely to be going there...not to mention my hubs is practically albino and more likely than not to fry to a crisp in any sun brighter than a cloud covered day.  I hate trying to get him to wear sufficient sunscreen to.  Hurrumph. 

Anyway, I will likely be in the hot tub a majority of the vacation and "liquid is the essence of moisture", and I will be a mer(wo)man!   Hooray!

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