Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful to be healthy and have a family and a good relationship with my husband.  I am thankful for my dogs. has been a rainy Thanksgiving day for us.  Nate and I are not doing anything for the holiday...foregoing visiting with family to work on our house.  We haven't even had anything remotely standard thanksgiving food like...for dinner we are having cheese and apples; lunch we had eggs and bacon!  I did make chocolate chip cookies for Nate today though!

 Today I sanded and painted the front entryway.

I think it turned out the best of any drywall I have finished yet.  Perhaps I have been dreaming about it after all!

The house has been kind of nuts today...we are dog sitting a friend's dogs and they do not like being crated.  Of course it is pouring so they do not want to potty outside...UGH.  We also started crate training what pups we still have left from our litter, so they are unhappy and crying with bring kenneled.  Muddy paw prints are everywhere!  I have now mopped our floor twice in the last 24 hours.  

Nate spent the day working on deck plans.  He needs to go to the city permit office and get the project approved tomorrow...they require a ridiculous amount of information to be submitted to them...and then they don't even ever come out and check it.  I am sure this rankles Nate since government bureaucracy drives him nutty.  Nate, being a voluntaryist, believes in personal property rights and cannot understand why he should pay someone to tell him what he can do on his own property.  

For those who do not know of voluntaryism, Wikipedia explains it:
Voluntaryism, or voluntarism,[1] is a philosophy according to which all forms of human association should be voluntary as far as possible. Consequently, voluntaryism opposes the initiation of aggressive force or coercion, which is formalized in the non-aggression principle. The word 'initiation' is used here to make clear that voluntaryism, does not oppose self-defense. Voluntaryism usually entails anarchism, it is compatible with a variety of anarchist positions. However a voluntarily-funded government is a voluntary society and is usually thought to be one possible transition to anarchy.

Nate came to this different way of thinking after searching for something to entertain himself during his 45 minute + drive to his job each way!  He began listening to podcasts and in particular he listened to Free Talk Live (  He is drawn to the non-aggression principle.  Once one believes in the non-aggression principle, it becomes difficult to support conventional government that relies on coercive force to get things done.  This was a difficult concept for me myself to grasp...yet another issue that made remaining in medical school difficult.  

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