Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meeting the quota.

Ever wonder why Plaster is called Plaster of Paris?  Me too.  Let us see if Google knows!

Answers.com claims:
Used since ancient times, plaster of paris is so called because of its preparation from the abundant gypsum found in Paris.
from: Britannica Concise Encyclopedia information about plaster of Paris on Answers.com.

So guess what I did tonight?

Yes, as it says, I am in fact Patching Plaster.  When our windows were replaced the contractor was none too careful with the plaster surrounding the windows.  In our bathroom it is particularly bad. 

Tonight I added the first 1/4 inch needed for patching plaster.  If you lay it any thicker it would crack as it dried.  As it is I hope this sets okay!

In other news, Nate and I went on a hott date last night to a neighborhood bar/restaurant.  I needed to pilfer the free newspapers for my puppy litter so out we went and we built on our relationship over a bacon cheeseburger for Rebekah and a pizza for Naters.  The food wasn't much to speak of but at least I didn't have to make it!!!  But I did have a yummy-in-my-tummy IPA and Naters had Dead Guy Rogue.  Yums.

Aren't we cute?!

Tonight I am making soup by boiling the turkey bones/breast from our thanksgiving we had early last week.  Mmmmm.  AND I managed to find my favorite winter ice cream- PEPPERMINT whilst I was shopping in the grocery store today!  Hooray for small joys.

Sorry for a sort of blah posting, but today I suffered from a migraine and the stupid thing has dulled my wits.  Cant wait until bed so I can shake the effects (hopefully).  Unfortunately Naters is working late so I don't even get to complain about it to him.  Bah.

Night everyone!

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