Sunday, November 28, 2010

witty repertoire

No witty repertoire tonight...I'm drained and tired.  Many apologies y'all.

Sadly, our date night last night wasn't to happen....we settled in to eat dinner around 10-10:30 and Nate promptly fell asleep afterwards.  Nor a HUGE surprise I suppose though...we are both sleepy lil' babies right now with all the work we are doing.  I am not sure when we are going to have time to go see Harry Pooter.  Boo.

Well today was a long day!

With the stucco in place and dried, and my paint purchased and ready, I had planned to just paint the two walls that I had stuccoed today.  But as I painted I kept wanting to paint more and more and ended up painting the entire downstairs!  I like the color I chose, although I am a little worried it is too dark.

I made handprints because I got my hands covered in paint switching from the normal paint roller to the stucco roller
 Tomorrow I hope to work on the ceiling drywall (and the ceiling-wall junctions) and to put the glaze on the stucco to make it look shadowed like real stucco.  You use a shade darker than your base and a natural sponge (which my dogs found and ate most of! Ugh counter surfers!).

I have Breeding business to do this week- including calling Continental airlines to make sure I have everything needed to ship a pup to Canada on Friday and to find a cabin to stay in....for a trip to Gatlinburg we are taking December 4-7.  We are driving to deliver a puppy to a woman in Atlanta, Georgia and are going to stop in Gatlinburg on our way back.  We haven't been on a vacation together in YEARS!  So I for sure wont get anything done on the house those days :0(. But yay time with my Naterman!  I have a wonderful friend who has agreed to watch my doggies after she takes the GRE!  Now that is a friend :).

 Something I was thinking about today.....
Lots of people I know are pregnant now...or just recently had their first little one.  Shopping for kids toys makes me so envious!  Yesterday when I was shopping I saw a father playing a game with his kids in Costco...he seemed like such a wonderful dad and it made me tear up.  Pathetic.  Guess the ole uterus' clock is ticking. Good things come to those who wait.

Well off to make steak and veggies for dinner.  MmmmMMMMmmm. :)

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