Today I worked on the of two things I had hoped to do today. I worked on the seams and the drywall screws and whatnot...a long and boring day.
It occurs to me that this is a good euphemism for reality. It seems best to not delve in to the realism of life with people you know, but rather stay on the solid road of meaningless discussion. Issues like family, death, loss, etc lead to painful feelings; happy conversations seem the way to go to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Of course, I am not saying this to preclude the reality of being there when someone needs it.
Anyway, back to the evil drywall....
Tomorrow I shall sand the ceilings/walls then move on to a second layer. I also HOPE to do some painting (which is way more gratifying than working on drywall) but in the light of how little I got done in hours of work, I think I will likely only work on ceilings :0(. Sadness.
I finished "The Eye of the World" audiobook today. It is a whimsical tale of a young man able to access a tainted magic that is likely going to make him insane with it's use. I read it as a youngin'...and the books that follow, until my parents discovered and removed them from my grasp. As an 11 year old reading it they felt it was too mature for me (having never read the books themselves). Now at 27 I am revisiting them and enjoying them as in my younger days.
Aw I wish you were real. Much like God and an afterlife....rather cold reality....
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