Friday's action: priming |
Hey all. Doubtless you are on the edge of your seat to see if I gave up and moved out or had a nervous meltdown or something (haha just kidding). Well, not so much, but like a physical manifestation of my angst I was floored on Friday with a stomach bug that I wasn't able to fully shake until last night. It's amazing how things like that can suck away your strength. But I did work 3 of the last 5 days...just haven't had the energy to blog.
Primed walls that are there and primed the ceiling. |
Painted part of the bedroom ceiling friday |
So I have gotten some things done! This last week has been a week of painting and priming, and disgruntlement with the snail-like pace of things improving.
I feel fairly inept at REALLY making enough impact on this house to release us from it so we can move.
Example? I cannot do plumbing, electrical, drywall, and most electric tool type things. I have little patience for very detailed projects with many steps (this is a personality flaw I am not proud of). But the main reason I cannot do these things is I am not strong enough to do so...mostly physically but a little mentally. Mentally I am not strong enough to crawl in the crawl space (creepy music) where there are all sorts of nasties. In particular, I am PETRIFIED of spiders. I see a spider and I become a cheetah for the speed I get to the other side of the room. I think it is certainly genetic in my case (shudder).
These ineptitudes make me think of my other ineptitudes in life. When I quit medicine it was a very difficult decision. I did definitely felt the burden of the debt (oh yes I did and DO!), the loss of the future career, but I don't think I foresaw as much the feeling I would now bear of uselessness. I have gone through 18 years of schooling, and doubt I could get a job that pays much. I have nothing to show for my life this far, nothing to support myself with should that be necessary. This is depressing. A biology degree is next to useless without a professional can't even teach without a Masters in Ohio!
Window will need trim (this may fix the plaster issue) |
Many people seem to excel at one thing, or many things. I feel like I excel at nothing and dabble in many things in an alarmingly mundane fashion. Even in my dog breeding, which is what many would now probably attribute as my main "thing" these days, I am just learning and have and will continue to make mistakes. I'm thinking this is just a part of life.
Still need one little drywall piece bottom of the stairs. |
In voicing some of my concerns to my father about a month ago, I complained that "everyone else seems to have their life together, while we have all these issues". My father, the sage old wise man of my tribe ;o) (jk he isn't old in my book) told me that is just the way they appear, and that we appear to have our ducks in a row to other people. Comforting to know our exterior facade tells others we have our life on track!
We don't. Maybe one day though. I will say I think we have done remarkably well together as rehabbing homes are VERY difficult on relationships and probably account for split ups in many cases. I doubt Nate and I would fight much at all without this house getting between us (literally...remember separate yet together?).
I love this song:
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