Monday, December 13, 2010

High Hopes.

Beginning today's work of fixing the ceiling wall junctions in the Master bedroom.

Ceiling wall junction

The other day Naters came downstairs while putting up drywall and said wistfully...."what if we are able to sell the house for $250,000?" 

I think he is starting to see the benefits of my labor...but I don't want to get too excited.  I would be happy with just a 50K take from this (which is probably under what we have put in).

\Which leads me to ANOTHER negative of rehabbing.
IT IS EXPENSIVE!  and in a down economy, you may not recoop your losses.  
the one piece in the back corner isn't in because a vent needs to go there.

Now we are lucky because we researched the WAZOO out of neighborhoods and live in a very nice one.  Down the street new built houses cost around 450K and the condos are generally 150k-250k.  So, we are still doing okay I think!

I just searched the houses for sale in the area and found one one our street for 289K (this was rehabbed).  Here's hoping we can get ours to look RELATIVELY close to it so we can make a little on this nightmare.

This wall will be ready to paint soon.
I find myself sitting and looking at houses for sale in our area, trying to make myself feel better about what price we may be able to put our house for sale for.  We are hoping to place it for sale around $210,000 with only one bath...or $225000-250,000 if we add in 1.5 more baths.  This is actually the goal by March!  Let's hope Nate can get to it.  First though we need the bottom floor to get it's wood floors, and the second floor to get it's drywall.

bedroom will be ready to paint soon.

And then there are lots of other details like outlets that need done and lights put in. 

Worked on this again.

What specifically did I do today?

Today I worked on our ceilings (removing old wallpaper...who puts wallpaper on ceilings for real?) and working on the drywall and the edges between the walls and the ceilings and in general cleaning up.  We will be breaking down our bed soon so I can paint in here.

mess from old wallpaper


So, if any of you all are DYING to try rehabbing a house...wanna come here and test run it and help US get out of it?  Come know you do!

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