Friday, December 10, 2010

Celebrate Good times!

 A Scary Picture to Begin the Blog!  Woot!

Cough cough, I'm tired!   

Well, up I got this morning and got to sand drywall and PAINT the ceilings!  I am thinking if I am a thorough Rebekah, they will need another layer of paint to look good, and of course, as per usual, my seams Le suck. 

I had to remove the lights and pull down the bronze fixtures to paint around them.  This cause more problems than expected since now I can't seem to screw the bulbs in tight enough.   So, I must wait for the Naterman and his man like strength to fix the problem.  BAH!  For all my trying to be independent I find myself relying on him more than I would like.  Who likes whining to their hubbadub, "It's so dark in here and I can't screw in the bulb"?  I mean, come on.

This is the face of finishing drywall.  Do your part to bring drywall finishing down so faces like this no longer exist!

Celebrate good times come on!
Our yummy dinner tonight, courtesy o' Costco.

And THEN I had the glory of getting to go to Costco, which anyone who knows me, knows that it is a PLEASURE to go.  Man I love Costco with a passion.  While there I met a guy who had to get a job there in order to pay for his wife's addiction.  This reminded me of the South Park episode about Walmart.  Everyone in the town started shopping at Walmart, working at Walmart, and addiction to Walmart insued.  The South Park kids then embark on an epic Matrixesque adventure to take down the Walmart.  Aw, South Park.  Classic.  
I clean up all right.  Invigorated after my Costco trip. 

So, all in all a good day.  Lots to do, emails to catch up on, people to make plans with, but the house is coming along.  I could ALMOST say our first floor looks like a home now!  Albeit with some faults. 


Y'all come back now ya hear?

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